Choosing the Right Long-term Care Pharmacy Solutions for Your SNF

Long-term Care Pharmacy Solutions Should Look at Your Cost Breakdowns You’re focused on the bottom line. The big picture is important, but with all the costs that add up to your total pharmacy total, you also need to look at each component to optimize savings. Grane Rx can show you the meds both by payer and across the board. By getting costs based on payer, you have the data you need to make more informed decisions. With multiple providers ordering meds for each patient, you need some oversight too. Grane Rx provides the level of financial detail you need to understand where you can reduce spending.  

Great Long-term Care Consulting Services

Before meds are ordered, someone needs to be looking at the meds the patient is taking. Are there too many, are they the right ones for you, are they too expensive, are there better options? While a clinical specialist should monitor this constantly, too often a pharmacy consultant isn’t involved until there’s an issue with a medication, which can factor into readmissions. Grane Rx has pharmacy consultants who provide this service for your facilities, from the get go, to assist with earlier decision making support and interaction.  

Improved Long-term Care Pharmacy Solutions Save Nurses Time

If you can make med passes more efficient, you free up nurses to have more time for patient care. Long-term care pharmacy solutions like Grane Rx’s Simple-Packs do just that. Each patient’s medication is prepackaged based on the time of day the medication is administered — pre-breakfast, morning, mid-day and evening and a variety of other time options. This makes for neater, easier-to-access med carts and allows nurses to find each patient’s medication quickly. Not only do prepackaged medications make med passing more efficient, but they reduce errors and waste as well. All these factors add up to better outcomes and lower costs.  

Partner Long-term Care Pharmacy Solutions Help You Navigate Change

Your pharmacy provider needs to adapt to changing technology and regulations. Grane Rx is a leader in the field with automated medication dispensing cabinets and other automated systems that improve outcomes and reduce costs. At the same time, our consulting and training programs provide education on changes in the industry—including the ever important regulatory and reimbursement changes. [Tweet “Support with regulatory change, cost savings, improved care? Check, check, check!”]

The Right Long-term Care Pharmacy Solutions Offer Smooth Transitions

Everyone dreads transition. How much down time will we have? How much training will staff need? Will the new system integrate with our old one? While staff can be resistant to change, as they adapt to a streamlined process, they’ll wonder how they ever managed before. Grane Rx reduces paperwork and headaches for administrators and provides greater efficiency for nurses. We start by adapting to your current electronic medication administration system to provide seamless transfer of data from your facility to our pharmacy.
In the changing world of reimbursement for Skilled Nursing facilities, you need more than long-term care pharmacy solutions. You need a long-term care pharmacy partner. Grane Rx partners with SNFs to lower costs, improve care with quality initiatives and adapt to changing regulations. If you’re not getting the support you need to save money, reduce waste and improve patient care from your pharmacy provider, we can help.]]>

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