Integration is the Difference Maker in Long term Care Pharmacy

When selecting a pharmacy services provider, one prominent question for administrators and executive directors revolves around integration: How will the provider integrate with our services? Ultimately, you are looking for long term care pharmacy solutions from a provider that seamlessly blends in with the care you’re already providing for SNF residents or PACE participants. So, how can you ensure your new provider will be a true partner? Focus on these three areas that should align with your center’s mission and goals.

Long term Care Pharmacy Integration: Staff

You don’t want your LTC pharmacy services to be solely focused inward. You want a provider that works alongside your team to help ensure optimal care for every resident or participant. From day one, the Grane Rx team integrates with your own. Our goal is to provide pharmacy services and counseling that helps improve outcomes by reducing medication errors and improving adherence to medication regimens. As part of this goal, we help your team look for areas of improvement in providing quality care. We’re here for your team 24/7, available to support your staff’s goals and improve clinical care. [Tweet “You want a #LTCpharmacy provider that’s a true partner. Here’s what to look for…”]

Long term Care Pharmacy Integration: Training

Medications aren’t solely the responsibility of the pharmacy. Multiple clinicians and providers play a role in managing a resident or participant’s medication regimen—from initial prescribing to the actual dispensing of the medication. Because of this, regulations and guidelines applicable to pharmacy, affect the everyday routine of all providers in your SNF or PACE center. Grane Rx understands this. We work to keep your staff updated on what’s happening in long term care pharmacy, including regulations, new legislation, reimbursement changes and evolving clinical practices. First, we review and analyze the impact the change will have on your center. Then we provide on-site, center-specific training for your team about the change. For first time customers, we partner with your Skilled Nursing Facility or PACE center, to provide a comprehensive seven stage training program to seamlessly integrate our pharmacy services with your operations. Initial training and ongoing education include sessions on our automated medication dispensing cabinets, EHR interoperability and workflow optimization.  

Long term Care Pharmacy Integration: Technology

You want the process of prescribing a medication to be easy and seamless. When Grane Rx partners with an SNF or PACE program, we keep that goal front and center. The technology we use easily integrates with the EHR you use. Data, including CPOE and ADT forms, transfers in real-time from your center to the pharmacy. This immediate transfer of information helps limit miscommunication, billing errors and medication waste. Our integration technology solution also allows us to help your team when a root cause analysis is necessary to uncover where an error occurred. Data collected through our software includes automated date/time stamps, automated audit logs and imaging documentation of medication packaging, among others. These tools allow us to quickly provide the information necessary when searching for insight into a problem and determining a solution. Looking to partner with a new pharmacy team? Discover what makes Grane Rx a different kind of long term care pharmacy services provider.]]>

Find out how we can help with your PACE pharmacy needs.