Anticoagulants are commonly prescribed in the PACE environment.

Taking a Look at Anticoagulant Use in the PACE Environment

Anticoagulants are common medications in the PACE environment and are used to prevent blood clots from forming in the body. Popularly known as “blood thinners,” these medications require serious scrutiny from medical personnel when making decisions about care and other medications for PACE participants. Normally, blood clotting is an essential function Read more…

What providers should know about treating constipation in the PACE population.

A Review of Treatment Guidelines for Constipation in the PACE Population

Constipation is a common complaint in the PACE population, and understandably so. The incidence of constipation is higher in older populations when compared to younger populations. And it’s even more common in older women.While constipation is not considered a natural consequence of aging, the PACE population is affected by age-related Read more…