Lower Your Facility’s Overhead with New Pharmacy Services

Improving Distribution and Decreasing Waste

Are you still managing hundreds of bingo cards for medication administration? Multi-dose packaging paves the way for the integration of new pharmacy services. Here are three good reasons to switch to multi-dose packaging:

  • Reduce Waste. With the old system, when a patient has a medication change, you waste the remaining medications in the card or if pharmacy law allows, you hope your pharmacy gives credit for the return. Multi-dose pouch packaging bundles medication for each patient by administration time. The Grane Rx SimplePack is much more agile in a world where medications are adjusted frequently and shorter courses are needed.
  • Ease and Efficiency. Nurses get through med passes faster with SimplePacks. It means less time spent searching around for the right medications in overfilled med carts. Instead, each patient’s medications are set up and ready to go, which can create efficiencies for your staff.
  • Improve Medication Adherence and Clinical Outcomes. SimplePacks reduce confusion and medication errors resulting in better med adherence and clinical outcomes.

Data and Technology Are Critical to New Pharmacy Services

Electronic health records have great promise for providing meaningful data. To make sense of all that data, you need to know what to track. There are just a few critical points to watch:

  • Average number of medications (by month and year)
  • Psychotrophic utilization comparison (by month and year)
  • Actual PPD by payer
  • Actual PPD savings (by month and trended)
  • Invoice summary by payer (by month and variance)

This information helps you understand your costs—and make smart choices about where to reduce spending while still maintaining excellent patient outcomes.

Technology isn’t just about data. Grane Rx consistently delivers innovative, integrated technology solutions to our customers to help balance cost and care which helps you use data to your advantage through methods like pre-admission medication cost estimates.

Grane Rx’s simple user interface allows admission coordinators to search medication cost estimates tied specifically to the community’s contract pricing and pharmacy inventory quickly and easily. It’s a simple, but more sophisticated, solution than many pharmacy services companies offer.

New Pharmacy Services Include Consulting and Testing

Pharmacy consults traditionally respond reactively to address issues a participant is having with medication. Early or proactive pharmacy consults look at a participant’s medications before there is a problem. That’s where Grane Rx’s Medications Insights program powered by YouScript™ comes in. We use a patented technology to help mitigate polypharmacy issues and identify and make medication changes before there is a need to invest in high cost lab tests. Our software enables prescribers to quickly identify more medication interactions and offer alternative medications both within the same medication class and for the same medication. Read more about the benefits of early pharmacy consults related to polypharmacy in the elderly.

Pharmacogenetic testing goes even deeper to assess the effectiveness of particular drugs for particular patients. Consider that 75 percent of all patients have some genetic variations in their medication metabolism enzymes, which may affect how they metabolize, process and react to treatments. Pharmacogenetic testing is beginning to explain the variances that have been seen between patient reaction to particular doses of particular medications.

This tool provides information to improve medication management by enabling providers to select the most appropriate medication at the most appropriate dose for a patient based on how their body will metabolize a medication. This has the potential to reduce the number of medications given to reduce side effects of other medications. That reduction can bring real cost savings as well as positive clinical outcomes.

A great pharmacy partner is always looking for ways to save you money, whether it’s creating a formulary for your organization or exchanging inefficient practices for more streamlined effective ones. Your pharmacy solution may be working, but checking out new pharmacy services may bring cost savings you can’t afford to pass up.

Find out how we can help with your PACE pharmacy needs.